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Optimized prototype targeted platinum resistant ovarian cancer

Building from Pebble’s anti-inflammatory hypothesis and MD Anderson preclinical results, our optimized prototype achieved ongoing CA-125 stabilization and maintained absolute lymphocyte values, continuing through first two cycles of immunosuppressant Elahere.

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Treating cancer cells with Pebble's two-agent, CMC ready blend accelerates and potentiates anti-cancer activity. Demonstrated improvement in killing speed & efficacy on multiple cancer types.

The optimum blend (PB-201) for an MD Anderson combination study has been determined via in-vitro studies. Beginning May/June 2024, PB-201 will be tested at MD Anderson In-vivo in combination with immunoradiotherapy against lung adenocarcinoma.

Goal: establish effect on distribution/location of immune effector & suppressor cells in TME that correlate to treatment response


Hypothesis: improve anti-tumor response & increase tumor cell killing & revert immune suppression 

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